Celebrate Your Cat's Birthday in Style
Find food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs
Cats are more than just pets: they're part of the family. So why not celebrate your cat's birthday or adoption anniversary with a big party?
Unlike dogs, cats are not necessarily inclined to mingle and play nice with fellow cats, as Best Friends notes, so it's best to invite human-only guests and save the cat play date for another time. Once you decide whom to invite (even if your friends aren't "cat people," they'll want to attend a fabulous party), you can begin planning your cat's big day!
Start with these two important tasks to create a fabulous cat birthday party:
Cat-Themed Party Supplies
A quick online search for "cat birthday supplies" will reveal just how many options you have for stocking up on paper goods, favors, and
You also have the option of purchasing age-specific décor. Take a stroll through your local party supply store to find adorable "baby's first birthday" supplies. After all, your cat is your baby, right? You'll also find things for other milestone birthdays, such as five and ten.
Cat-Themed Attire
If people who host cocktail parties and weddings can require "black tie only," then you can require "cat clothing only" at your big bash! This is what one self-proclaimed crazy cat lady did when she celebrated one of her cats' birthdays. They may have teased her about it, but Tara Wilkins' friends adhered to her dress code. "It touched my heart that my friends supported me," she shares.
Chances are that your guests are also cat lovers and own at least one t-shirt that will fit the dress code. If not, they can pick one up for a few dollars—a small sacrifice for a special occasion.
Once the party gets started, here are some other fun ways to honor your cat's birthday:
- Indulge in a cat-shaped birthday cake from your local bakery. You also can decorate a cake or cupcakes with cat faces (don't forget the whiskers!). But remember this cake is just for the human attendees. Your furry best friend should get her own food or treats that won't upset her tummy.
- Serve kitty-themed party food such as cookies, chips and dip served in (clean, new) cat food dishes, or cat-shaped sandwiches made with cookie cutters (works with pizza, too).
- Have a lot of "cat drinks" on hand, such as cat-themed party cups, bottled water or beer adorned with a DIY of your cat's face, a punch bowl filled with cat-shaped ice cubes, or glasses with kitty wine tags.
- Provide cat-ear headbands and/or cat masks for your guests to wear during the party.
- Play pin the tail on the cat, kitty trivia, board games, or card games.
- Watch a cat-themed movie, such as Homeward Bound, The Cat from Outer Space, or Felix the Cat. There are numerous options, depending on the age range of your party guests.
- Make
cat nip favors for your guests by tucking a few seeds into tiny burlap bags, which they can take home to plant.
Chances are, your fur baby will hide during the party, but if she's a social creature, include her in the festivities by providing cat-safe snacks and entertainment, such as a DIY cat toy or a rowdy game of catch the feather. But be sure to keep her away from the gift wrap because, as PetMD warns, ribbons and string can be dangerous if ingested.
If a big party isn't really your thing, or your cat doesn't do well with large crowds, it's okay to still throw her a fun intimate party with just the family. Show her appreciation with some presents
No matter how you choose to honor the big day, hosting your cat's birthday party is about celebrating the love you and your fur baby share!
Image source: Tarak Wilkins
Contributor Bio
Christine O'Brien
Christine O'Brien is a writer, mom, former English professor, and long-time pet parent whose two Russian Blue cats rule the house. Her work also appears in What to Expect Word of Mom, Fit Pregnancy, and Care.com, where she writes about pets and family life. Find and follow her on Instagram and Twitter @brovelliobrien