Preventative Planning to Keep Your Cat Healthy
Find food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs

With the economy down and jobs disappearing, many pet parents are foregoing pet healthcare because they just can't afford hundreds of dollars in vet bills. While it is still important to visit your veterinarian yearly for an examination, you can cut out many unnecessary tests and procedures by keeping your cat as healthy as possible throughout the year. Not only is this money saving, it is great for your cat’s health and longevity.
- Invest in Quality Food—choosing a high quality natural cat food is your best chance at long term pet health. The right cat food can help you eliminate problems with allergies, intestinal problems, obesity, diabetes and other food-related diseases. Although you will spend more at the checkout line, the overall investment could save you hundreds!
- Avoid obesity in your cat— Obese cats can suffer from many costly conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure, and diabetes just to name a few. Feeding your cat the correct portion will control unwanted weight gain and keep them out of the vet.
For the complete slideshow on How Preventative Cat Care Can Save You Money, visit petMD!