Keeping Your Dog Calm During Fireworks Season

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Handy tips for the noisy July period. July 4th is Independence Day and it is always a great time of year with fireworks lighting up the night sky. However it can be a very stressful time for your pets. We have put together a list of some simple ways to keep your pets calm during this noisy period.

  • Have some familiar noises in the house, for example keep the TV on or some music playing, so that it doesn't appear to be an abnormal situation.
  • Close the curtains so they won't see any of the fireworks because the flashes can scare them.
  • Keep outside noise to a minimum by closing all the windows and doors in the house.
  • If your cats are outdoor cats that come and go as they please, place a litter tray inside for them and once they are indoors close the cat flap so they don't go outside again.
  • Don't take your dog to a fireworks display, leave them at home.
  • If possible have someone stay in the house with your pets to calm and reassure them.
  • If your pet has had a previous problem on Independence Day please consult your vet.

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